Friday, May 11, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

UEFA EURO 2012 Review

Dealspwn: “By presenting itself as DLC, the FIFA 12 engine is a given, and it’s still a lot of fun. But by making it so that you have to own FIFA 12 in order to play this half-hearted, half-licensed, half-baked expansion, EA Sports have shut the door to impulse purchasers, pumped on the spirit of the competition. No one in their right mind will buy FIFA 12 just for this, and those that already own the game will find far better services there than this paltry offering. [...]

Thus, when it comes to giving a final verdict on this expansion, it’s important to judge Euro 2012 solely on its content. Sadly, for over £15, there’s just not enough here to recommend at all. This game, perhaps even more so than the full releases that came before, underlines the cash-in nature of these tournament spin-offs, and it’s difficult not to feel, even though we’ve arguably received what we asked for, that we’re not just being ripped off in a new way.”

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition review

The Witcher 2 isn’t a game that you can just rush through to see the ending. It’s meant to be played slowly and enjoyed thoroughly, learning all that you possibly can about everything. There are references to the past, to Vizima during the first game, to events and characters in the books, which make it so much more enjoyable for those who are familiar with the game lore. And for those who aren’t, there is no reason not to pick it up, even if these little extras will go unnoticed.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Prototype 2

Locked down under the military jackboots of Blackwatch, who in turn overlook the vile, twisted experiments being conducted by Gentek, New York Zero is the perfect playground for Heller to flex his new virally contracted powers, with plenty of soft targets to rain down a proverbial sh*tstorm upon. Infected by previous moody Prototype hero, Alex Mercer, Heller is just as brooding and moody as his predecessor, but his range of powers make him an even more formidable force. If you’re expecting subtlety then, forget it. You won’t find a single ounce of it here

Black Ops 2 -- Future Warfare?

As players probably know by now the rumor of Activision releasing yet another Call of Duty title this November is pretty much set in stone. With the rumor of Black Ops 2 said to be announced during an NBA playoff game on Tuesday May 1st speculation on what the game will actually focus on has arose. There has been a large rumor that the next installment to the Call of Duty franchise will take place in the future rather than the Cold War era. As military first-person shooters are getting a bit dry and overdone maybe Activision is following in the lines of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and taking the success of Black Ops to a more futuristic setting…

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition Review

GR: “Over the years there have been series that I have bought systems for. The SNES was an obvious choice for the Super Mario World, but from there Final Fantasy took root and I purchased a Playstation for Final Fantasy VII. Likewise I bought the PS2 for Final Fantasy X, and while I didn’t like it, I fell in love with that era’s Metal Gear Solid games and purchased a PS3 for the Metal Gear Solid 4. I actually loved Metal Gear so much I bought the 3DS at the excitement of the prospect of playing it in 3D and a PSP for MGS Peace Walker. Since then, I’ve played a lot of acclaimed current-gen games and series without them really sticking, so it’s with a little surprise that I write that I will buy whatever console or platform I need to play the next Witcher game that CD Projekt Red makes.

This game. Wow. Just wow.”

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Amazon Game Deals

Amazon has a host of current deals ready for you to grab some fantastic bargains.
Check out the newly revealed download deals of the week or grab a bargain from the video game deals section.
Check out some of the biggest bargains, deals and sales currently on at Amazon.

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